Emma Earley & Co Specialist Nutrition and Dietetics Emma holding a cabbage and feeding tubes

Wholefood Blending

Wholefood blending is the mixing of wholefoods into a puree consistency for delivery via a feeding tube to nourish a person who cannot consume 100% of their nutrition requirements by eating (oral intake).

What is wholefood blending?

Nutrition science is forever evolving and as such we are learning that whilst commercial nutrition formulas are capable of sustaining human life, they cannot replicate all components of wholefood.

Natural wholefoods contain thousands of enzymes, antioxidants and non-nutritive factors that provide health benefits as they interact with minerals, vitamins, and macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) in the human digestive tract. It is these marvels of nature that are not only responsible for sustaining life and wellness; but also for our immunity, good gastrointestinal function, skin integrity, sound mental health, growth and physical strength.

Wholefood blending for a person with a feeding tube, therefore, takes advantage of the natural health benefits that fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, meat, good oils and grains can provide for a person who needs liquid nutrition via a feeding tube. This approach to tube feeding decreases (if not entirely removes) reliance upon commercial nutrition formula.

Our approach

Emma is passionate about helping dietitians and other health professionals to upskill in wholefood tube feeding, and to guide individuals with feeding tubes through a seamless transition from commercial nutrition formulas to wholesome blends.

Emma can assist you with your personal goals, whether they be:

  • Combining commercial formula feeds with wholefood blends,
  • Initiating your first wholefood tube feed, or
  • Incorporating an occasional shelf-stable commercial wholefood product, Emma is committed to helping you achieve them.

If your current healthcare team lacks experience in this area, Emma is able to offer support through consultancy or direct assistance.

For guidance and more information, please get in touch